I've been fortunate in communication sessions to get a fair amount of "horse kisses" either during or directly after sessions with horses--big, sloppy horse lips gently (or not so gently!) caressing my cheeks as validation to the work we've done.
Recently, I've also been the incredibly fortunate receiver of a number of unsolicited horse hugs.
The horses at work have been hugging me a lot recently.
Reno, a mustang who previously was very stand-offish and not eager to be worked with, last week started coming up to me and giving me timid kisses on the cheek. Recently he's gotten bolder, marching up to me, draping his head over my shoulder, and pulling me into his chest. In case I was missing his message, the other night I had a dream where he walked up to me, put his head over my shoulder and pulled me against his chest, so that my heart was directly face to face (or heart to heart) with his. He then held me in a somewhat forceful vice-grip while an explosive amount of love traveled from his heart to mine. He would not let go or release the pressure until he was completely done channeling love from his heart to mine.
While his grip was tight and forceful, there was nothing frightening or cruel during this experience. On the contrary, I could have stayed there receiving this energy from him forever! The feeling was incredible and powerful--far more than just a dream.
Another horse at work, Poco, also used a hug recently to get my attention. While I was standing in the paddock checking on the horses, she pushed away the other horses, marched up to me without hesitation or warning, and very assertively pulled me into a surprise hug. While I was there I heard her clearly say: "I want to work more with the boys!" Then she released me and walked back on her way.
Message received!
The other night my own horse, Pogo, walked up to me and gently draped his head over my shoulder. I felt compelled to put my arms around him and stood this way for a long time, feeling a surge of love enter my body. The feeling was similar to my dream, except far more gentle and (probably as I was awake) more subtle. Pogo being a wise old soul didn't have to use any force or pressure to share this experience with me (or perhaps I was just being more receptive!) Again, I wanted to spend my entire life there, with arms around him, feeling his love and sending love of my own to him.
I'm not sure exactly what the horses are up to, but I don't have any complaints about it! Perhaps they thought I wasn't receiving enough love in my life lately. Maybe they just wanted to say "thank you" and validate me for the work I've been doing with them. Or maybe they are trying to teach me to be a better receiver.
In any means, I consider myself abundantly blessed that I am able to get a daily dose of love from the horses as part of my every day work!
How blessed am I?