Wednesday, December 29, 2010

About Healing

(Note that while this post is not about animal communication, it is a compilation of what the animals have been teaching me about lately)

To fully understand healing techniques, you have to understand that we are all healing all of the time. Healing is our divine birth right. The divine is always moving us towards healing. There is no process that can cause this take place, because it is always taking place. There is no process that can create healing. Healing is already created. Healing belongs in the realm of the divine and the divine alone. There is nothing we can do to cause and create it; we can only claim it and allow it.

If healing is our divine birthright and naturally occurring at all times, one might ask: Why am I experiencing problems? Why am I experiencing a lack of “healing”?
Healing is always occurring, but when our will conflicts with divine will, our will wins. Why? Because we have been given free will, and therefore in our realm, human “power” can trump the power of the divine. This does not mean that human power is stronger than divine power—in actuality human “power” is laughable compared to divine power. But because of divinity has granted us free will on this plane, it will not interfere with what we chose to create for ourselves here. I also want to emphasize that I am not implying that any one who is wishing to experience healing but is not experiencing it is purposefully doing this to themselves. While I have seen this in some cases it is far more common that our lack of healing is based on other underlying issues that we may or may not be consciously aware of: such as a faulty belief system (and by the way, most of our human belief systems are faulty), stored emotion, past trauma, etc. If we do have a block based on one of these areas we will experience a lack of healing in this physical realm, regardless of the will of divinity (which again, is always for our healing).

With this in mind, true healing techniques do not cause or create healing, they remove the blocks that are keeping it from occurring. By healing something through the divine I am focusing on an issue so that I can see it through divine sight and knowledge. Through divine sight and knowledge there are no blocks, because divinity is perfect and blocks can only occur in our realm. When I am able to see something through divine sight, I will see it perfectly, without the blocks. Through my sight matching the divine sight on the issue, the blocks are actually removed—if the client is willing to release them. If the client has a vested interest in holding on to these blocks, I will have to go to the client and ask the client to consciously become willing to release these blocks to the divine in order for them to be removed. When working with an animal, I may have to go to the person in order to accomplish this, as many times an animal is holding onto an issue of the person, and will persist in holding on to it until the person is ready to release it. This is a gift of healing that they give to us.

It is important to note that sometimes through this process I will become privy to what these blocks are that are being released; but this is not always necessary for healing to occur. All that is necessary is that I am able to see and recognize the issue through the divine and turn it over to the divine to heal. Once the blocks have been released, the natural, divine process of healing that is always occurring can occur as it is supposed to; thus we experience healing on the physical.

For the most perfect healing to take place, it is important that the client be in a mind-state of welcoming the divine to come in and rearrange whatever is needed. The client should be able to say: “Welcome into my house. Everything that is here belongs to you. You can take whatever you need, rearrange whatever is displeasing to you, and leave me anything that you think is lacking.” This sounds simple, but in reality is a difficult state of surrender for most of us to enter. Most of us are actually fairly fond of, comfortable in, and attached to the reality that we have created for ourselves. Thankfully for grace, we do not have to be perfect, or even perfectly surrender, in order to experience healing. The closer to this state we can reach, however, the more far reaching the results of the healing in our lives.

Also, if we are hanging on to something hard enough, it can prevent healing from occurring. Something I have been taught recently is that “Sometimes a person has to be taken to a very difficult place in on order to recognize that the benefits of giving up something (they are hanging on to) are greater than the benefits of continuing to hang on to it.” It is never the will of the divine to take us to a place where we are lacking in healing; rather it is our own stubbornness and refusal to change or let go of our attachments that creates this situation in our lives. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to be moved to very dark and uncomfortable places in order to find a recognition of or a willingness to let go of a faulty pattern or belief in our life. I can say for myself I never would have discovered this method of healing if I had not reached a state of desperation where I could no longer stand living in my own reality. It was that point that I cried up to God that I was ready to seek divine reality and surrender my reality totally and completely to the reality of the divine.

The most wonderful thing I am learning about this process is the number of things that can be healed through the divine. Most commonly people ask for healing on physical illnesses or injuries. But ideally we should all be seeking healing before an issue pops up as an illness or “dis-ease.” Healing can and should take place any time we see any lack of perfection in our lives. When we are struggling with difficult emotions, wounded relationships, belief systems that are not serving us, or a general lack of success or abundance in our lives, we should seek healing. Unfortunately, we have all become accustomed to the daily struggles of our lives, and believe it is normal and natural to constantly be at odds with the universe. While I am not suggesting that we shouldn’t encounter some forms of difficulty in our lives, the truth is, we did not come down here to this planet to suffer. Divine will is love, happiness, peace, and abundance. If we are suffering, something is wrong, and we should invite the divine in for healing.

I cannot count the number of times I am on my knees throughout the day asking for divine healing on something. While we were made in the pattern of divinity, we are constantly straying from it due to our human teachings and encounters; therefore divine healing should be a practice that we are incorporating into our daily lives; not just something we seek when we are so out of whack that we can no longer function! To truly live in divine reality is a constant endeavor, and something I should save for another post—because it is truly a subject of its own. But it is worthy of note that to experience divine healing on a constant basis in our lives involves seeking divine reality.

Whew, I was obviously inspired to write on this subject tonight, and I hope it has been enlightening to everyone as to the nature of healing. I am obviously very excited to incorporate this form of healing into my work and have been immersed in learning about it recently.


Healing through the divine

I posted this on my website as well, but am so excited I thought I should also post on my blog.
I am excited to begin working with a new healing technique this year (2011) that I believes heals issues on a deeper level than the techniques I was before employing. I am also incorporating this technique into the majority of my animal communication sessions, which I believe is giving them more validity, strength, and healing power for the situations I am working on.

What is healing through the divine?
Healing through the Divine is a healing technique that basically means I am turning the problem over to the divine for healing as opposed to trying to heal it from any energetic means on my part. On a practical level, what this look like is that I am focusing on the problem or issue until I can see and realize the issue through the divine. Seeing something through divine sight and realizing something through divine knowledge is healing in and of itself, as in the divine everything is perfect and exactly as it is supposed to be. Once I am able to see and know things through the divine, the issue itself actually shifts and changes in the physical, which is where we all want to see healing occur. To complete this process, as I am given new divine sight and knowledge into the issue, eventually the divine completely takes over and I am able to fully release the issue to the divine, where the most perfect healing process can occur--even beyond what I am capable of seeing, knowing, or experiencing at the time.

This process sounds very simple, but can actually be very time consuming on my part. To fully heal something through the divine, it is not enough to recognize a truth logically; you must wait until it has been absorbed fully at all levels, and all doubts and human forms of thinking have been dissolved. Due to the amount of human thinking I have built over my life span, this is not always a simple or easy process! In spite of this, however, I have found enormous benefits to it over animal communication, most notably the fact that it relinquishes me from the “God” position that I have often found myself in animal communication sessions.

What I mean by this, is often in animal communication sessions I find myself in a position where people are relying on me to have the right answer or be able to solve or heal their problem. More and more I have been lead to recognize that I am not God and by trying to be any kind of substitute I am seriously selling my clients short, if not actually creating harm! In the process of healing through the divine, on the other hand, I am fully and completely giving up any control of the process and turning the process over to a higher power, a power that is completely perfect and composed only of love and goodness, very unlike me! So I can be absolutely confident when I am complete with a session that very best solution for all parties involved will occur naturally, without any human manipulation, tinkering, or room for error on my part.

What should I expect out of a session?
First of all, you should expect a shift to occur. A shift, however, could be a variety of things, and is not always necessarily what we initially expected. For example, if I am doing a healing on a physical issue, a shift may mean a complete physical healing of the problem. This can and does occur. However, it could also mean that following the healing either you or I have an intuition of physical remedy to give the animal to help the animal heal on the physical; and we may find that following this physical treatment the animal improves rapidly. Another possibility, for an animal who is in a very bad physical state, it is also possible that the animal will use the healing to strengthen his soul and help him cross more easily to the other side. While we may desire a physical healing, we are not God and are not in control of the animal’s path; if the animal’s path requires him to transition, a healing session will make this an easier and more painless process both for the animal and for the people involved. In this case, healing will likely also extend to our own emotions and helping those who love the animal see his transition with peace and a divine understanding.

So you can see through this example there are many ways for healing to occur on an issue. We can know through this process, however, that it is occurring in the most perfect possible way for both us and our animal.

Secondly, you should expect to give at least three days to fully recognize the shift. Healing can and does occur immediately at the soul level. Sometimes this will also manifest immediately in the physical realm. However, there are several reasons that it may take three days for us to recognize and realize a healing. First of all, it takes time for the body to construct new cells and repair damaged cells. So if we are working on a physical issue, once the issue is healed at the soul level, it very often takes three days for the animal’s body to build new cells based on the new soul pattern it is now using as its template. Secondly, it takes our brains three days to fully shift into a new paradigm. An example of this is a study that showed when people wore glasses that caused everything they saw to be shifted upside down, it took three days for the brain to adapt to this and turn the images around so that the people wearing the glasses actually saw them as right-side-up again. And when the same people stopped wearing the glasses, it took another three days for them to begin seeing their reality as right-side-up instead of up-side-down. What this means is that even if a healing does occur instantaneously it may take *us* three days to actually recognize that it has occurred and see it fully. So three days is always a good rule of thumb to use when you want to rationally assess the effectiveness of a session.

Thirdly, you should expect to continue to support the animal at the physical when we are doing a healing session addressing a problem that is manifesting in the physical. While I believe we should always attempt to address physical issues at a level deeper than medical science can, it can be grossly neglectful to attempt healing only at a spiritual level and ignore the support of the physical. If the issue is serious, please do not contact me unless you are also working with a veterinarian. If the issue is not serious, part of the healing may still entail remedies that we can give on a physical level to support the body as it adapts to the spiritual changes.

Finally, you should expect that a healing involving your animal may also necessarily mean addressing an issue in your own life. Animals are reflective by their very nature, and often a problem we are seeing in the animal may also be reflecting a problem in our own lives. The benefit of this is that in addressing healing in an animal you will often receive healing as a free by product! The responsibility of this is that you have to recognize when you contact me that you are giving me free access to your personal life and issues; and in order to receive healing for your animals you need to have a willingness to both acknowledge and let go of these issues as needed.

Occasionally in a healing I may find that something my human client is holding on to is blocking the healing of the animal. If you have a willingness to let go of this issue, I may be able to work on this issue without further contacting you. However, if you are holding on to this issue very tightly, it may be necessary for me to bring this issue to your conscious awareness and gain your willingness to release the problem before I can continue on with the healing. Sometimes this may necessitate two healings—one for you and one for the animal.

What kind of issues can be helped through a healing session vs an animal communication session?
I still believe very strongly in animal communication and will still conduct animal communication sessions where appropriate. I believe animal communication is most appropriate as a tool for all of us to learn to deepen our own spiritual awareness and bring us into communion with our own animals. I am very excited about animal communication when it involves teaching others how to incorporate it into their life. I am not as excited when I feel my services are being used as a crutch or a quick fix. I believe the best use of my services as an animal communicator is as a mentor in learning how to talk to your own animals, validation to recognize if what you are hearing is right, as a back up in explaining a situation (such as a move or a training method) to your animal, or as a quick check in to see how your animals are doing or how things are going. I will also incorporate animal communication into my healing sessions to check in with the animal both before and after the session, communicate any vital information from the animal to you, and recognize any shifts that have occurred through the session.

Healing sessions I feel are better suited for any conflict that is occurring either between you and the animal or the animal and another animal; training or behavior problems stemming from past trauma or abuse; physical health problems; and problems that you are experiencing as particularly emotionally troubling or concerning to you.
I am happy to help you determine what is going to work the best in your situation, so please do not worry about figuring out what type of session needs to be done with your animal. That will all occur naturally as part of the session and in many cases I am integrating both animal communication and divine healing into the same session.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I have wanted to write a post about colic for a long time, but have been spending time in thought a prayer trying to gather my thoughts and knowledge about it.
What do I know about colic?
I know it has haunted me, as I have lost three of my own horses from it, and been present for many more who crossed over to the other side from it.
I know it is devastating to our domestic horses: One vet states that 85% of horses she has euthanized are from colics. 85%! (And only 15% of colics are fatal, thus multiplying the number of colics she sees)
I know that colic fits all the definitions of a trauma: An unexpected event in which we feel helpless and someone we love it at risk for their life. I have experienced this trauma in my own life and known the lingering effects of traumatic stress and traumatic grief.
I know about colic now that many of our beliefs about it aren't true. We are told colic is from a physical cause. However, in the case of each of my three horses, there was no obvious physical cause. No change of hay or grain, no shortage of water or turn out, no excessive stress from trailering or shows, nothing. Looking for a physical cause (or what I did wrong) for the colics of these horses just about drove me crazy.
On the flip side, many of the physical causes we do attribute colic very often do not lead to it. We all hear that moldy hay causes colic, but I have worked for people who threw entire bales of moldy hay to horses without a single case of colic. We all know that a shortage of water causes impaction, but I have seen rescue cases where the horses had no water but still food, and still no colics.
I am being lead to believe more and more that colic, while appearing in the physical, has, as its root, not a physical cause.
Did horses colic before they were linked to people? Do mustangs colic in the wild?
I still have many more questions about colic. Through my questing about it, the horses have lead me to believe that colic is a message from them. How is it possible that 85% of our domestic horses die from a digestive problem when we are so careful to care for their digestive tracts? Why did I lose three horses in a row to colics, when I was doing everything "right"?
The horses have told me that colic is a communication from them. It is an attempt to get our human lives back on track. Colic is like other "dis-eases"--a demonstration of the horses (and our own) "dis-ease" about our life courses reflected back at us.
I know from equine therapy that the horses present a perfect reflection back to us. How can I look at my horse colicking, then, and not be willing to examine myself for the "dis-ease"?
Am I saying that we are responsible for our horses' deaths through colics?
No, I don't believe so. I believe life and death to be sacred, and only God is in control of this realm. I don't believe we humans have the power to "cause" a death in any case other than murder.
However, I do believe that when a horse chooses this route to exit, it is giving us a strong, clear message that we need to look into. What is this reflecting in me? Where is my "dis-ease"? Where have I gotten of course?
And as we look at the huge number of horses who chose this route to cross-over, we need to be asking as a whole, "What are the horses trying to tell us as a human species? Why are they choosing this route to cross-over?"
I used to believe that horse colicked because they had been made in an imperfect design and had weak digestive systems. Having recently examined that, I realize this couldn't be further from the truth. Horses were made in perfect design--they were not designed to colic. Furthermore, I have been witness to the powerful strength and resilience of horses to survive through horrible adversity.
Colic is not a result of weakness or poor design. It is not a result of imperfect hay or grain.
It is a result of horses and humans coming together, and humans not heeding the message of the horse.
I don't pretend to know the full answer about colic, but I know considering on this has set me on a path to further find out.