Through my healing sessions I have found there is no more frustrating force in the universe than human will.
Nothing will stop healing in its tracks like human will.
When I run into human will in a session, I find I am unable to give my client the result that they are asking for, and session after session will follow in frustration. It is not until I am able to recognize the problem of human will, and my client is willingly able to release their will that progress can occur.
As I healer, I also have to be conscious of my own will, as often I will find that I cannot know healing for my client until I have consciously recognized and accepted that the outcome of the session may not be as I want. I must accept all outcomes, even ones that I do not believe could be God's will, before I can know the full healing force of the divine.
Human will seems to be something that most of us are very proud of and cling to as a description of our independence. Truly, it is a promise given to us by God, that we may make our own choices and venture as far away from the divine as we freely chose.
However, I am coming to learn that human will can often become more of a curse than a gift.
We are told through people teaching about the "law of attraction" that our will has power to bring to us the things we want in our lives.
I have come to learn that these teachings are misleading, as it is only the divine that has the power to bring good things into our lives; the only power our human will has is to stop the divine in its tracks.
Who would want that power?
We may feel that human will is powerful, because in many ways it does have the ability to supercede the will of the divine. However, in meditating on this I have come to learn that the only real power in human will is as a blocking force; the only real power in the universe is the power of the divine.
Ironically, our human will is most powerful when we consciously submit it to the will of the divine. At that point we are given power beyond measure.
Fortunately, just as we can use our will to venture away from the divine, we can also consciously follow our will back to it; or even more powerfully, submit and surrender our will to that of a higher power.
I encourage everyone to consider their own will and what it has brought them in their lives compared to the outside forces that are constantly trying to move us to a better place.
With love,