Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Deer's Message

I have learned in my life, that often I am not just helping the animals, but the animals are helping me.
I have learned to pay attention to the messages that the animals bring into my life and my person.
Many times these come through the animals closest to me in my life--my dogs, my horses, my cat. . .
. . .sometimes they come to me from the untamed animals who live in nature.
I have to admit, I was skeptical of this phenomenon when I first started delving into animal communication. It seemed to me, that most wild animals only wanted to steer clear of people; and unlikely that one would have a personal investment in my own spiritual path.
I must learn to be more humble.
It was on my first quest that the hummingbirds started talking to me. Like markers of my thoughts, they would fly close (right into my face) to validate the spiritual messages I was receiving. "Truth," they would say, sometimes giving me the word before I even realized that they had flown but a breath away from me.
On my most recent quest, an golden eagle landed at the apex of my circle on the last day. An indescribable feeling of peace and connection came over me as he joined in my quest. Before he flew away, I had the presence of mind to ask him what message he was bringing.
"You are on the path of a seer," he said, before spreading his wings to fly away.
I cannot remember ever feeling more connected, more at one with all around me.
I learned later, that the eagle was symbolic to the native americans for carrying our dreams back to the spirit world.
How incredible, to have the dreams of my quest carried back for me by such a divine presence.
The other day I had an unlikely chance to commune with the natural world again, when driving back from an appointment on the interstate, a deer suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. With a long line of traffic in front of me, only the car directly in front of me seemed to spot this stationary visiter and swerve, leaving me little time to react.
Slammed brakes sent the van I was driving fish tailing over the road, before I safely passed the deer and continued on my drive.
At the time, it seemed very significant to have a deer standing stationary in the middle of the road directly ahead of my vehicle and none other.
My logical mind immediately assumed the deer must be bringing a warning. But my heart seemed to know better.
Safely back at home, I connected to the deer and asked it if it had a message for me.
"You are not alone," the deer said. "All we of the forrest are with you and have your back. All of the woodland creatures, the faeries and the elves, the creatures of the night, the gnomes, and the dwarves, those that walk on two feet and on four: We are all behind you. We are protecting you. We are guiding your soul through the triumphs to follow. You have our favor. Your soul has our light. We suround you and keep you well."
As I have been going through some significant trials recently, the message was comforting.
But the deers message continues in my life as I am guided to learn how to "move like a deer through the forest--seeing no resistance so facing none."
The deer sees the trees in the forest as guideposts, merely small markers to keep them on course.
I am endeavoring to do the same with the twists and turns in my life.
While I still believe animal communication should take place at a grounded and practical level, I am learning that there is no place too deep for the animals to take me; no lesson too great for them to present.
Onward, with the animals at my side.